Recruiting & Maintaining Top Talent

It’s no secret to Colorado residents that the state’s population is growing rapidly. In fact, nearly 10,000 people are arriving every month, with many of them settling in population centers like Boulder, Colorado Springs, and Denver. The massive influx of people moving to the area has created a construction and real estate boom, and also highlighted a growing need for skilled workers to provide residents and construction projects with plumbing repairs and installation services. With qualified individuals being in short supply, how can a plumbing company attract these top talents and become a leader in the area?

Finding the Right Staff

The answer lies in the company’s philosophy, and recently Sunshine Plumbing Heating & Air’s own president, Susan Frew, was featured in Contractor’s Magazine regarding our own philosophy on who we select to become part of our elite team, and how we keep these top talents happy on our staff. As the magazine pointed out, in order to keep the top talent around, the company’s philosophy needs to be an attractive one.

Frew stated that the hiring process not only focuses on training and experience, but also on personality and willingness to help the local community. The first task is to find out whether or not a potential candidate would fit in with our company’s dedication and philosophy. We post openings through traditional avenues like Craigslist and Indeed, but our ads are more focused on whether or not the candidate will fit in as opposed to whether or not they simply meet the qualifications.

She stated that our interviews ask a question that many other companies do not: “Are you a giver or a taker?” Frew says that the company serves its community in many ways beyond simply providing high-quality plumbing repairs and services, but also includes working with non-profits, serving at food banks, handing out food bags from company trucks, and more. “If a potential hire cannot demonstrate a ‘giver’ value, he will never fit in with our culture. Takers end up getting ‘de-selected’ very shortly by the rest of our team.”

Keeping the Right Staff

So once you have brought a quality employee on board, what can a company do to keep them around? Maintaining a staff of elite employees is almost as much work as it is finding them in the first place, and with so much competition for services the challenge almost never ends. However, Sunshine offers employees not only competitive pay and benefits, but other perks as well.

Our company offers prizes based on competitions, most of which are based around customer service and satisfaction. We’ve even given away a free trip for two to Mexico for positive reviews. Other prizes we’ve given away include free boots twice a year, something employees use and need daily when they’re on their feet and on the move constantly. A good pair of boots can cost upwards of a few hundred dollars, and constant wear and tear means they could be worn out in as little as half a year.

We also offer workers benefits that many other companies don’t, including financial planning assistance, legal shield services, tool allowances, and health club memberships. To keep employees motivated and delivering the best possible service to our customers, we also offer performance-based bonus incentives, and even days off for those who spend their time with us helping the community. Finally, we also offer employees unlimited unpaid personal time off, because we recognize that sometimes employees need time to take care of things and we believe they should be able to do so without worrying about whether they’ll have a job after.

Do you fit with us here at Sunshine Home Services? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Send us your résumé today. If you need a plumbing repair or maintenance service, call us today at (303) 622-5526 to schedule and appointment

An Elite Plumbing & Heating Service Team Serving Denver, CO

Denver Plumber and HVAC has provided residential and commercial property owners in Denver, CO with world class plumbing and heating services for years. We have highly trained experts in plumbing and heating, including new installations, restorations, and maintenance. Not to mention, our skilled technicians are available to address any plumbing or heating issue you’re experiencing. We utilize the most up to date technology to provide timely services of the highest quality. Never hesitate to contact our top professionals in Denver, CO, as we take pride in providing exceptional customer service, ensuring all our client’s needs are met.

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